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RaiseRight Gift Card Program (formerly called SCRIP)

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The Basics:
  • Open to ANY family with students enrolled in GHAPS

  • Benefits both the family & the orchestra program

  • Buy electronic or physical gift cards (many reloadable) through the RaiseRight App or website at your convenience.

  • Accrued family funds may be used to reimburse ANY school related expense.

Start a Family Account:
  • To join our program: Please email our Coordinator at to request our enrollment code. Once you have this code you can join our program through the RaiseRight App or  the following link:  


Start Earning as a Participant • RaiseRight 

Conveniently Buy Online

Both electronic and physical gift cards can be ordered directly through the RaiseRight App on your smartphone or on the website: 

Electronic cards, conveniently stored on an app on your smartphone,  are typically available right away (a few may take up to 24 hours to process). 

Orders for physical gift cards are  processed by the OBGH RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) Coordinator and you will be contacted when ready for pick up in Grand Haven (or you can select to have cards delivered directly to you, accepting any shipping charges.) 

*Some physical gift cards can be reloaded through the app.

Request Reimbursement:
Change Contact Info or Enrolled Students:

Still have questions?  
Contact our RaiseRight Coordinator at .

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